Don't forget the things when you are working in Glasshouse Environment
- Temperature should be checked after several hours everyday when experiment is started.
- Crop water and temperature requirement should be studied before working in controlled environment.
- Humidity control is an important factor in glasshouse because high humidity support the fungus proliferation.
- Excessive fertilizer application can cause damage in pots than consumptive and timely use of inputs can improve crops.
- Safety measures should be carried out when you are applying the chemicals like insecticide, fungicide etc,.
- Photo-period requirement are very important for each and every crops.
- Foliar application gives better result rather than pots application of fertilizer.
- Vegetable crops are sensitive in nature than follow each and every step of production technology for every crops.
- Uninterrupted electricity is the key factor for optimum growth of crops like air conditioner (inverter) control lower and higher temperature during day and night.
- Greenhouse should be clean that inhibits the infectious disease and their spread in greenhouse.
The above points are purely experience based and noted during the working in glasshouse of various crops like cotton, wheat, round gourd(Tinda) and many others.

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