10 Reasons! Why Hemp is taking Attention of the People Round the Globe

Cannabis Sativa the game Changer of the Region

Cannabis sativa is the member of family Cannabaceae which is popularly known as industrial hemp.
Generally, its cultivation depends upon its bast fiber and edible seeds. Hemp is sometimes confused with marijuana and hasish because all have same compound tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) which stimulate psychoactive effect. Hemp has little amount of THC. There are many reasons that are the specific for hemp related to its cultivation importance which ae given below:
  1. Bast fiber is the hard fiber which is used for making heavy industrial fabrics, ropes , twines and heavy bags.
  2. Hemp oil is very important for industry which give edible oil, solidified oil for paints, moisturizing agent and in plastics.
  3. Edible seed is a good source of protein and iron for human as well as for birds.
  4. Hemp is used to make sail canvas.
  5. The plant is sometimes used as an insulating material in constructions especially in colder areas.
  6. Hemp is used for making paper which can be recycled about 8 times. It is strong as much as 3 times greater than simple wood and pulp.
  7. Hemp are used as a skin care agent for human and commonly used as soap, shampoo, bam and lotions.
  8. Different clothing products are find in market like clothing, denim, diapers, shoes and fine fibers.
  9. Hemp is used as a cheap fuel with sustainable production as an alternative for fossil fuels.
  10. The blessed plant has lower water requirement and its cultivation is suitable for drought facing areas.
Hemp Farming Act 2018 passed in America made Hemp cultivation legalized and Pakistan is also moving to legalized the Hemp production legalized for the aim of revenue generation of the country. It is reported fact that about 0.3% THC content that is safer for the health.

Reference Links:

  1. https://www.britannica.com/plant/hemp 
  2. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL32725.pdf
  3. https://weedmaps.com/learn/the-plant/hemp-vs-marijuana/
  4. https://evohemp.com