Purpose of the blog is to familiarize the learners to practical agriculture. This blog will address Agriculture practical advancements from general level to specific level. Some interesting pages will also be share about nature, philosophy and important days related updates!
Quote of The day by Aristotle

10 Things that should keep in mind When you are working in Controlled Environment (greenhouse)(glasshouse)
Don't forget the things when you are working in Glasshouse Environment
- Temperature should be checked after several hours everyday when experiment is started.
- Crop water and temperature requirement should be studied before working in controlled environment.
- Humidity control is an important factor in glasshouse because high humidity support the fungus proliferation.
- Excessive fertilizer application can cause damage in pots than consumptive and timely use of inputs can improve crops.
- Safety measures should be carried out when you are applying the chemicals like insecticide, fungicide etc,.
- Photo-period requirement are very important for each and every crops.
- Foliar application gives better result rather than pots application of fertilizer.
- Vegetable crops are sensitive in nature than follow each and every step of production technology for every crops.
- Uninterrupted electricity is the key factor for optimum growth of crops like air conditioner (inverter) control lower and higher temperature during day and night.
- Greenhouse should be clean that inhibits the infectious disease and their spread in greenhouse.

Quote of the Day by Hazrat Ali AS

14 Unique Features of Round Gourd(Tinda) that make it suitable for Plant Breeding
Round Gourd (Tinda) Unique Features
An important vegetable commonly known as round melon, Indian squash, Indian baby pumpkin or apple squash is grown for its immature fruit. It is the only member of genus Praecitrullus. The most common and popular name of the vegetable in both Pakistan and India is Tinda. There are following features which support breeding:
- A short duration crop with great diversity in phenotype traits.
- Monoetious plants that support cross pollination as compared to self pollination.
- Identification of male and female flower is easier as compared to any other crop.
- Emasculation is not required for the crop because male and female flowers are separate.
- Male flower removal promote female flower similarly female flower removal promote male flower.
- Germination percentage is approximately 100 percent in Tinda.
- Crossing percentage is also very high as compared to major crops like wheat and cotton.
- Seed setting is elevated and can store for many years with better viability.
- Crop gives seeds within 90-100 days from sowing therefore under controlled condition you can achieve 4 crops in a year.
- Insect pest problem is not so high as compared to other major crops.
- Pathological problems which includes fungal and bacterial infestation is little bit problematic that could be controlled with frequent fungicides and bactericide sprays.
- Less space is require for breeding procedure as compared to other crops.
- Foliar spray gives better result of fertilizer application as compared to fertigation.
- Genetic diversity is never exploited up till know.
Referral Links:
- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15427528.2017.1370626?scroll=top&needAccess=true&journalCode=wcim20
- https://www.netmeds.com/health-library/post/tinda-indian-round-gourd-health-benefits-nutrition-uses-for-skin-hair-weight-loss-and-recipes
- https://food.ndtv.com/ingredient/round-gourd-701159
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinda

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