Excessive use of Fertilizer/Pestisides/Weedicide/Rodenticides in crops
Application of artificial agrochemicals are become the major needs for expanding population but at the same time these are causing many troubles to soil, water and air environment.
Short term benefits are hurting the long-term use resources.
There are following damages reported so far in current research;
Damage in soil Environment:
- The excessive use of pest killing chemicals (pesticide, weedicide, rodenticide) is damaging the biodiversity of soil by killing the microbes.
- It affects the food chains, ecosystem of soil and residual effects in soil that ultimate result in lowering the fertility of soil.
Damage in Water Environment:
- Percolation and leaching of dangerous salts and chemicals is directly polluting the ground water and decrease the quality of fresh water.
- Fresh water quality become deteriorate and finally it become unfit for drinking.
- The surface runoff from growing areas to surface water bodies like rivers, streams and lakes cause the decrease in growth of algae.
- Fresh water animals like fish and others are in threat from the chemically polluted water.
Damage in Air:
- Chemical suspended in air cause alter in weather condition and breathing problems for humans.
- Temperature and relative humidity as well as sunrays become disturbed due to chemicals in specific are.
Damage in Humans:
- Excessive use of chemicals is causing skin and lungs diseases in humans as well as eyes irritation.
- Heavy damage can cause nervous system breakdown, infertility and cancer in some cases also reported in research.
We can save the world for over upcoming generation through research on chemicals that cause less damage to the ecosystem. Excessive use of chemicals with lower quality should be banned at Government level!

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