Purpose of the blog is to familiarize the learners to practical agriculture. This blog will address Agriculture practical advancements from general level to specific level. Some interesting pages will also be share about nature, philosophy and important days related updates!
Quote Of The Day

10 Aspects that tells how Farm Automation is Revolutionizing the Agriculture Productivity
Farm Automation in modern era
World population is expanding by time, it is reported that about 10 billion population will be expected at the year of 2050. Excessive colonization and population is demanding precision agriculture and smart farming to increase the productivity. Farm automation is in different forms which are discussed below:
- Harvesting automation in fruits and vegetables are the problem solving steps to save the productivity and reduce the harvest loses like Agrobot and Abundant Robots are working on commercial robots for harvesting fruits in America.
- Automated tractors is another important form of automation in farming that reduce labor cost and shorten the time duration especially in row farming. different companies like Rabbit Tractors and Bear Flag Robotics are working on driver less robot and programmed tractors for cultivation.
- Robot for seeding are also commercialized in these days that can helpful in sowing various crops fast.
- Farm automation through weeding robots that reduce herbicide application about 90% accurate at farm level. Some companies are also working on automated weedicide robots like Blue River Technology and ecoRobotix etc,.
- Subsurface drip irrigation is another form of automatic irrigation at commercial farm level that reduce wastage of water and labor cost.
- Planting from air drones are used for sowing and fertilization from the air in current era. Some companies are commercially preparing such as drones like Droneseed and Biocarbon.
- Soil automated sensors are used to investigated and signal the farms about irrigation requirement of soil that ultimately enhance the yield e.g., CropX is a company that install soil sensor for the irrigation requirement etc.
- A harvester kit is also operated with harvester or combine with the tractor to harvest specific crop at huge area without driver operated operation. A company Autocart is offering this kit.
- Compact tractors are prepared for the farm machinery for vineyard and gardens where compacted planting is done.
- Obstacle detection technology is also fitted in automated tractors to identify the obstacle in farm automated machinery.
The above discussed technologies revolutionized the agriculture and enhanced the productivity about 100 times from the previous century. By subsidizing the agricultural farm automated machinery in underdeveloped and developing countries yield gap can be reduce. A huge yield gap is persisted in these countries can be reduce and enhance the productivity of agricultural commodities at world level.
Referral Links:
- https://www.plugandplaytechcenter.com
- https://www.engineering.com
- https://www.agriculture.com/robots-on-the-rise
- https://asirobots.com/farming/
Artificial Intelligence,
digital imaging,
Practical Application,

Quote Of The Day

10 Powerful Roles of Drones in Agriculture That Dramatically Enhanced Productivity
Modern Technological Use of Drones in Agriculture
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) are simple known as drones because their size is low and of two types automated (controlled automatically) or manually controlled. The weight remained maximum up to 20 kilograms. There are different kinds of drones used in agriculture in know a days which includes fixed wing, rotary wing, tethered vehicle and lighter than air. Currently drones are used in different activities in agriculture which ar given below:
- Drones are used to investigate the irrigation requirement of the crops that supports the consumptive and homogenized use of water. These are the need of current century in which limited supply of water available for crops.
- This technology is quite helpful in pest and disease scouting in crops. With UAV larger area could be covered in less time and labor. In this approach there will be less error chances as compared to labor method.
- To count the number of plants, density and overall crop health can be measured through drones and different yield related traits can measure in short duration.
- Soil analysis is easy through drones in which soil general health, organic matter, water requirement, and level etc,.
- This advancement is predominantly applied in forest to capture larger area monitoring, evaluation and research to analyze the growth or decline in forest area.
- In fisheries, drones are using in many countries like Brazil to investigate the fish population in different natural resources.
- Wildlife conservation is also analyzed easily through drones in which animals track, analyze and monitor the population through thermal cameras became easier.
- Application of artificial chemicals like fertilizer, pesticides and weedicide etc,.
- It is reported fact that some drones are also used for planting at huge level.
- These are helpful to investigate the nutrient deficiency in crop plants.
Links for Reference:
- https://blog.agrivi.com/post/powerful-role-of-drones-in-agriculture_april2018
- http://www.fao.org/3/I8494EN/i8494en.pdf
- https://www.precisionag.com/market-watch/the-future-of-satellites-in-precision-agriculture/
- https://www.slideshare.net/RedmondRaminShamshir/choosing-the-best-uav-drones-for-precision-agriculture-and-smart-farming-agricultural-drone-buyers-guide-for-farmers-and-agriculture-service-professionals
Artificial Intelligence,
digital imaging,
Practical Application,

Quote Of The Day

9 Modern Technologies that Uplift Livestock Productivity
Livestock Industry Revolution
Livestock industry supports the country agriculture with social and economic benefits. The industry not only provide food balance nutrition to the population and also economic returns in the form of organic fertilizer, meat, eggs, and milk etc. By automated technologies 40-50% farm production is enhanced Livestock productivity enhanced through following modern technological ways:
- Modern Technology, Connected Cow: In this technology sensors are used to detect the animal health, nutrition, milk production and pregnancy hormones etc. By fitting sensors to individual animals huge information can collect with less labor.
- Robotized barns: These are helpful to clean the environment from harmful gases like carbon dioxide and ammonia that directly improve the farm animals health.
- Controlled traffic farming through biosensors and GPS(satellite) are used to monitor the farm animals in huge grasslands to monitor the farm animals and grazing habitat quality.
- Application of genetics, genomics, biotechnology and bioinformatics is greatly helping the animal breeding objective to enhance the meat and milk production of farm animals.
- Connected automated cameras are helpful to monitor the farms at micro level to macro level that uplift the productivity.
- Drones for monitoring the health and productivity of farm animals during grazing are widly use in current days.
- Automated incubators are used at farm level to enhance the poultry that directly enhance the productivity of farms.
- Climate controlled system through automated sensors and robots are used with the help of internet to monitor the farms are playing an important role for agriculture livestock production.
- Image acquisition powered smart technologies are used to monitor the farm climate, animal health and expected economic returns from the farms.
Referral Sites for further readings:
- https://doi.org/10.1590/1234-56781806-94790053s01005
- https://www.plugandplaytechcenter.com/resources/livestock-farming-technology-animal-agriculture/#:~:text=Livestock%20Technology%20and%20the%20'Connected%20Cow'&text=Livestock%20technology%20can%20enhance%20or,monitor%20health%20and%20increase%20productivity.
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280223445_Modern_technologies_of_animal_production_and_their_sustainability
- http://www.biolyse.ca/technology-used-in-raising-livestock/
- https://www.intechopen.com/books/animal-husbandry-and-nutrition/the-innovative-techniques-in-animal-husbandry
- https://iowaagliteracy.wordpress.com/2018/06/02/5-ways-technology-has-changed-farming/
Artificial Intelligence,
Controlled environmet,
livestock productivity,
livestockk productivity,

Quote of the day

10 Major Benefits of Irradiation for Food Preservation
Food Preservation through Irradiation
Food preservation is remained the keen interest of farmers in ancient times through drying and dehydration. By changing time and research oriented approaches made dramatic results for the preservation techniques like use of temperature, chemical additives and irradiation. The topic will cover the benefits of using radiation on food for preservation which are given below:
- Commercial application of radiations plays an important role to extend the shelf life of food especially in perishable commodities like fruits and vegetables.
- It kills microbes like bacteria and fungus spores that saves the food quality for longer duration.
- Irradiation inhibits sprouting in root, tuber and bulb crops like potatoes, onion and garlic etc.
- Pest infestation and exposure of insects to fresh fruits can easily be protected by the irradiation like citrus, mango and lentils etc.
- Treated food preserved in fresh form like texture, color and flavor without further heating that gives taste closer to fresh. As a result food remains in fresh physical state.
- Irradiation are the best alternatives for food preservation as compared to chemical additives that have adverse effects on human health.
- It delays aging in various food products and enhance the quality especially in alcoholic beverages.
- Irradiation at higher level dose can sterilize food for the AIDS patients and extends the shelf life of food for many years without refrigeration capability.
- Quality of food can also be enhanced through the irradiation especially essential oil enhanced through specific dose.
- Irradiation reduce food spoilage, less use of pesticide and reduce the food borne disease risk in food ultimately food quality become enhanced and export quality achieved.

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10 Vital Roles of Algae in relation to Agriculture
Central Roles of Algae on the Planet
Phycologist says life is impossible without aquatic photosynthetic algae that belongs from kingdom Protista. There is a great variation in size from micromonas algae to 200 feet kelps, in terms of number of cells from one cell to millions of cells. There are following major roles that plays algae on planet earth:
- It is reported fact about 50% oxygen of the available oxygen in atmosphere for respiration comes from algae.
- Algae are subjected as a green manure for the field to enhance the soil health. There are many reported species which includes Gracillaria and Sargassum.
- Some algae species as a biofertilizers that improve soil health by fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere directly like Nostoc, Spirulina etc.
- In different regions of the world some algae species are widely used as source of reclamation of saline soil like some blue green algae.
- In livestock point of view algae are the rich source of fodders for the farm animals. These includes Laminaria and Fucus.
- Vegetative animals (herbivores) in sea life like fishes, sea star and worms etc mainly rely on algae as a main food source.
- Some algae species of micro-algae like Botryococcus can be the alternative energy source for fuel in the future. High oil recovery, less carbon dioxide and less time consuming oil will be the future of the world.
- Algae fix carbon dioxide efficiently about 40% of all the planet carbon dioxide. It directly clean environment and lowers global warming.
- Some algae species are used as a food for human population which includes Chlorella, Sargassum, and Spirullina etc. These are rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins etc.
- Agar-agar is used in culture media for energy sources therefore it is main component of green biotechnology lab.

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10 Real Breakthroughs in Green Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology's real developments
Green Biotechnology made real advancement is classical agriculture approaches. The newly emerged branch developed the agriculture all branches for example plant breeding and genetics, pathological studies of plants, entomology and many more. There are following revolutionary steps appeared which are given below;
- Genome sequencing helped to sequence the whole genome of major crops that aided selective breeding to enhanced the genetically controlled traits and decreased the duration of breeding cycle.
- Genetically modified crops(GMO) are the revolution in green biotechnology, it is reported fact that about 57 major and minor plant species modified with the help of biotechnological approaches.
- Gene Biotechnology is used to transfer gene from one plant variety to another variety even inter-specific or inter-generic transfer became feasible.
- Non Gene Biotechnology is most widely used branch in agricultural biotechnology in different ways like tissue culture and hybrid seed production etc.
- Bio-fortification improved crop nutrient values and enhanced the calories that mitigate the population needs of food with better quality.
- Comparative genomics aided the bio technologists to study the evolutionary history of plants and their interrelationship at gene level.
- Epi-genetics variations are also helpful for breeding process in crop plants are the fruit of agricultural biotechnology.
- Increased food production, milk production, meat production with the help of genetic engineering are the real advancements of green biotechnology.
- Disease resistance crops, herbicide tolerance, fertilizer responsive varieties, insect tolerance and resistance, and high yielding varieties are the real breakthroughs of research in this field.
- Tissue culture,Somoclonal variation, micro propagation and haploid production are the success stories of biotechnology.
Controlled environmet,
Food Preservatives,
Genetic modifications,
Green biotechnology,

10 Important Reasons about the Importance of Amazon Rain-forest
Importance of Amazon Rain-Forest
Amazon rain-forests are about 60% of the remaining rain-forest on the planet earth which covers about 2 million miles of the land. About 9 countries are included under the forests in Northern South America mostly Brazil, Peru and Ecuador etc.
Amazon forest the Jewel of the Forests in the world
There are following 10 important key points about the importance of Amazon Rain-forests:
- It is reported fact that about 500 indigenous human communities have live in this forests.
- The most richest biodiversity in the world about 10% reported and non reported species of the globe including plants, animals and insects.
- 1/5th of all bird species are present in Amazon rain-forest.
- 1/4th of all the terrestrial species are present in these forests.
- Most of the epiphytes (plants that grow on other plant and absorb nutrients) homeland is Amazon.
- The most important reason of importance of Amazon is that slow down of global warming by fixing the carbon dioxide and producing the bulk of oxygen about 20% global volume of the world.
- Amazon plays an important role in maintaining water cycle by heavy rain fall.
- Amazon are known as the motherland of the synusiae( tree with same form and stature) because these are found in huge amount as compared to any other ecosystem.
- Most of the tree species in Amazon form mycorrhizal association that symbiotic association replenish the nutrients in soil.
- The tourism industry in Amazon is generating about 11.6 million US dollars per year.
biodiversity conservation,
Topical Rainforest,
trees importance,
Tropical Rainforest

Quote of the day

10 Important Medicinal Plants and their Uses
Medicinal Plants
Medicinal plants have secondary metabolites, recognized as a medical uses. These have various compunds like alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, glycosides, and coumarins. There are following plants have great importance in medical field:
- Ocimum tenuiflorum (Tulsi) is a great blood purifier and play role against malaria and dengue fever. It also save us from cold and flu.
- Azadirachta indica (Neem) is an important medicine for diabetes patients to lower the insulin consumption and also decrease the allergic reactions.
- Aloe barbadensis miller (Aloe vera) is historically used for healing and treating the skin after burning and radiation induced reactions.
- Curcuma Longa (Termeric) is a great blessing that reduce the chances of breast cancer in women and also helpful against the alzheimer's disease.
- Zengiber officinale (Ginger) is used to treat nausea, lower blood sugar level and reduce the risk of heart attack.
- Phyllanthus emblica (Amla) is a blessing to prevent us from aging, respiratory infections, skin disorders and antioxidant properties.
- Lavendula (Levender) consist of 47 known species have many medical uses which include treating of anxiety, healing of insect bites, insomnia and depression.
- Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) is also used to treat anxiety, depression, alzheimer's disease and allergic conditions.
- Aegle marmelos (Bael) is an effective medicine against inflammation, constipation, diabetes, and lowering the blood cholesterol level.
- Mentha*piperita (Pippermint) is used in stomach relief, skin freshness and lowering body weight with removal of extra fats.
aloe vera,
fats lower,
medicinal plants

Quote of the day

10 Typical ways to conserve Biodiversity in the world
Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity conservation is really important for the stability of natural ecosystem. There are following ways to conserve the biodiversity at micro level to macro level:
- There are two main ways to conserve biodiversity, former is In-situ (lakes, national parks) and later one Ex-situ (gene banks, Aquarian).
- Government legislation are also the part of conservation of biodiversity in different hotpot of country.
- Captive breeding is an important way to conserve the endangered and threatened species.
- Community based conservation in developed societies make more successful activities for conservation.
- Habitat conservation and restoration for the species which are threaten and reduce the invasive species from the particular habitat.
- Natural preservation through national parks to preserve the flora and fauna of that particular area. It is reported fact that currently 12% area is conserved through natural preservation parks.
- Research oriented approach for conservation is necessary e.g. to know the species numbers, their habitat and climatic requirement.
- Avoid the over use of natural resources like fresh water, wood and invasion in preserved areas by human activities.
- By educating the population against special affects of biodiversity disturbances on ecosystem could be the key to achieve the aims and objectives fast.
- Application of modern scientific (ecology) and technological (reuse biodegradable) tools can uplift the efforts in higher speed as compared to traditional or classical ways.

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10 Important Qualities of Seeds
Qualities of Seeds
Seed is a ripened ovule of a flowering plants which is used for further sowing. It is the basis of new plant and for life on earth. These have flowing qualities a seed should consist of:
Genetic Attributes
Physical Attributes
Physiological Attributes
Storage Attributes
Genetic Attributes:
- Seed should be true to type and physically pure for the concerned variety because genetic purity will directly affect the yield.
- Only multiply those seeds which are certified because those seeds have mentioned pedigree, historical yield performance and acclimatization to the specific areas.
- Seed should be homogenized in all aspects like harvest at physiological maturity, good health and proper labelled of specific variety.
Physical Attributes:
- Physically minimum damage seed is very important for further multiplication. Physical quality of seed is key for raising the successful upcoming crop.
- It should consist of disease free seed with less off type seed like weeds and inert matter.
- Seed should be uniform in size and other seed characters like seed color, size and weight.
Physiological Attributes:
- Seed should be better germination percentage with high vigor because these two attributes are the indicator of plant population for upcoming crops.
- Seeds should be multiplied after thorough biochemical examination.
Storage Attributes:
- Seed should have low moisture contents and low temperature for storage purpose to lower down the metabolic processes.
- Seed should never break dormancy easily before germination in soil is main quality attribute for storage purpose.
The above few attributes in a specific variety, make it unique among all. The above characteristics are general which are varied in different species of plants. Like seed are of different types for example Orthodox seeds, intermediate seeds and recalcitrant seeds on the basis of moisture removal for storage.

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10 Dangrous effects of Agrochemical on soil, water, air and Humans
Excessive use of Fertilizer/Pestisides/Weedicide/Rodenticides in crops
Application of artificial agrochemicals are become the major needs for expanding population but at the same time these are causing many troubles to soil, water and air environment.
Short term benefits are hurting the long-term use resources.
There are following damages reported so far in current research;
Damage in soil Environment:
- The excessive use of pest killing chemicals (pesticide, weedicide, rodenticide) is damaging the biodiversity of soil by killing the microbes.
- It affects the food chains, ecosystem of soil and residual effects in soil that ultimate result in lowering the fertility of soil.
Damage in Water Environment:
- Percolation and leaching of dangerous salts and chemicals is directly polluting the ground water and decrease the quality of fresh water.
- Fresh water quality become deteriorate and finally it become unfit for drinking.
- The surface runoff from growing areas to surface water bodies like rivers, streams and lakes cause the decrease in growth of algae.
- Fresh water animals like fish and others are in threat from the chemically polluted water.
Damage in Air:
- Chemical suspended in air cause alter in weather condition and breathing problems for humans.
- Temperature and relative humidity as well as sunrays become disturbed due to chemicals in specific are.
Damage in Humans:
- Excessive use of chemicals is causing skin and lungs diseases in humans as well as eyes irritation.
- Heavy damage can cause nervous system breakdown, infertility and cancer in some cases also reported in research.
We can save the world for over upcoming generation through research on chemicals that cause less damage to the ecosystem. Excessive use of chemicals with lower quality should be banned at Government level!

Quote of the Day

10 Major Roles of Bioinformatics in Agriculture
Bioinformatics Roles in Agriculture
- Bioinformatics organized the data of sequenced genome of plants more accurately and fast. Application of bioinformatics in agriculture with the help of mathematics, statistics, image processing, data mining, artificial intelligence, and computer simulation made research and innovation fastest in current era.
- It developed various software to analyzed the data and collect the information from the data e.g., gene armada and babelomics etc.
- Microarray analysis of gene expression also enhanced the progress of varietal development procedure.
- Targeted gene identification, molecular phylo-genetics only became possible due to the bioinformatics. You can further details about biotechnology in https://practicalagrculture1214.blogspot.com/2020/08/10-real-breakthroughs-in-green.html?m=1 above link.
- Bioinformatics is playing key role in structural, functional and nutritional genomics for plant breeding and genetics.
- Evolutionary studies of plants became easy in Bioinformatics to understand the ancestral relationship of various plants species and their origin.
- Bioinformatics works on model crop plants like Arabidopsis thaliana and suggest improvement in other food crops.
- It has important function to identify, locate and biochemical function of genes in different organisms.
- Aims related breeding like disease,insect pest resistance, drought resistance, salt resistance and improvement in nutritional quality enhanced very fast.
- Statistics and mathematics application made bioinformatics immortal for the research in biotechnology and plant breeding.

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#Hazrat ali,

10 General facts Characteristics of Virus
General facts and characteristics of Viruses
The word virus originated from Latin word which generally mean "Slimy liquid" or "poison". General facts about viruses are given below:
- Viruses are smallest with size 20-300 nm in size, consist of nucleic acid e.g DNA or RNA.
- Each virus consist of a protein coat, some viruses have also an additional lipoprotein envelope.
- Viruses lack division of labor internally like cells.
- Obligate parasites can't grow outside the cells and can grow inside the chemically defined media.
- Some viruses have enzymes for metabolic reactions like Hepatitis B virus contain reverse transcritase.
- Most viruses are host specific in nature and they have host in all living organisms e.g. plants, animals, fungi and bacteria.
- Viruses shows 4 main morphological shapes a)-cylindrical b)-crystal c)-sphere d)-spacecraft.
- Viruses are the sign of pandemic diseases like Corona Virus that spread quickly in worldwide.
- Viruses have ability to alter their genome, new genetic recombination become the threat for host shift. It is reported fact that the severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) is shifted from horseshoe bats to humans after alterations in genome in palm civet.
- Viruses are unique that show living as well as non living characters as well. Therefore commonly known as "the organism at the edge".

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