Purpose of the blog is to familiarize the learners to practical agriculture. This blog will address Agriculture practical advancements from general level to specific level. Some interesting pages will also be share about nature, philosophy and important days related updates!
Hazrat Ali As Quote of the Day

10 Important Reasons Why Vegetable Breeding is Necessary in 21st Century
All About Vegetable Breeding Requirement
In modern era, population is expanding and demanding from us to increase quality food in limited resources. Vegetables are the main source for quality and diversified diet. There are many important reasons that vegetable could be the goal for the upcoming breeders. Some reasons are given below:
- Vegetables diversified the food for the people with many food supplements like vitamins, minerals etc.
- Breeders can achieve more than one crop in a year. It can accelerates the breeding procedure as compared to other major crops. Controlled environment is suitable for the vegetable crops. Duration of crops is mostly less and can achieve multiple crops with few and pure seeds.
- Variety development is less popular as compared to the hybrid breeding in vegetables.
- Less availability of pure seeds as compared to major crops.
- Country level research institutions are rare in developing countries like Pakistan and India.
- Intensive care require for breeding program because some are bushy and some are creepers.\
- Pest infestation is less as compared to fungal and bacterial infestation.
- Virus infestation is rare in vegetables as compared to other plants.
- Broad genetic base is present and exploitation is needed.
- Monoecious vegetables are much more diverse especially cucurbits like round gourd, melon, water melon etc.

Quote of the Day By Hazrat Ali Al about Importance of Time

Quote of the day By Jack MA

12 Ways that will help you to Decrease the Excessive Agro-chemicals Applications
Stop Overuse of Pesticides
Excessive pesticide application not only destroys the ecosystem and also causing serious damages to human as well as different animals similarly food quality is also deteriorating from these. In this article I will tell you how can you reduce the pesticide usage in crops which is given below. Integrated Pest Management consisted of following ways:
- Best land preparation practices should adapted to avoid the soil borne insect pest larvae, pupae or microbial pests.
- Infestation of weeds can be control through hoeing, mowing and mulching, not by herbicides.
- Research for the plants that oppose the insects like garlic, marigold and mint.
- Promote organic farming rather than artificial application of chemicals.
- Promote pest enemies insects like parasites, parastoides and predators by artificial rearing and importation can helpful against pest species of concerning crops.
- Make legislation and long term managements for controlling pest in major crops for specific area and even country level.
- Pest can be control through various microbes families which includes bacteria, viruses, fungi etc,. Some examples are viruses family Baculviridae cause disease in lapidopteran. Some bacteria like Bacillus popillae in beetle and serratia in grubs etc.
- Different type of traps can be use to control the pest population like light traps, pheromone traps, bait traps and yellow sticky traps etc.
- Some Mechanical control activities can help to control the pest population in a field like banding, trenching, wrapping the fruits, water barrier, tin barrier, electric fencing and netting etc.
- Some mechanical forces are crop pest target specific in nature like entoletter, tillage implements,hopper dozer and mechanical traps etc.
- Some physical control of insect are also used internationally like control of temperature, light, moisture, air and irradiation can cause dramatic damage to insects.
- Pest avoidance is also helpful to reduce the pest infestation and ultimately will require less pesticide application.
Referral Links:
- https://www.slideshare.net/ARUN5218/insect-ecology-and-ipm
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286042190_Effects_of_Pesticides_on_Environment
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2984095/#:~:text=Impact%20on%20environment,%2C%20and%20non-target%20plants.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_pest_control

Quote of the day

10 Interesting Facts About Jumping Genes (Tansposons/Transposable Elements)
Facts about Jumping Genes
Jumping genes or transposable elements (TE) are the short sequences in genomes that can alter their position by itself. It was firstly reported by Barbra McClintock and received Nobel Prize in 1983. Generally there are two types of TE, former is retro-transposons and later one is DNA transposons. Initially, it was wrongly predicted that these are junk DNA but later research gave a new era about jumping genes. Some interesting facts and uses are given below:
- Retrotransposons are common in eukaryotes and DNA transposons are common in prokaryotes. It is reported fact that about 45% and 90% genome of human and maize genome respectively, consist of transposable elements.
- Jumping genes are the cause of natural mutations by insertion themselves in sequence and disable the genes. This cause the genetic disease in host organisms e.g., hemophilia, porphyria, cancer and alzheimer's disease etc.
- They can cause chromosomal duplication through copying multiple sequence in single sequence and cause problem during cell division.
- DNA sequence features and biochemical properties witnesses that TEs and viruses arose from same ancestors.
- It is reported that TEs play an important role in evolution because it has capability of horizontal gene transfer from one species to another because it is some times known as selfish DNA parasitic elements.
- Some transposons are much important because they contain disease resistance genes. That genes are the major consideration for the plant breeder during molecular breeding in plants.
- Jumping genes are also used as vector for transformation of genes.
- These are the sites of genetic recombination and therefore known as the controllers of genetic expression.
- Some trnasposons consist of antibiotic resistance genes or toxins are known as composite transposons.
- It is reported fact that some transposons are helpful for the plants for acclimatization by regulating the other genes during stress.
Referral Links:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposable_element#Applications
- https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/transposons-or-jumping-genes-not-junk-dna-1211/
- https://www.slideshare.net/researcher1234/transposonsjumping-genes
Genetic modifications,
jumping genes

Quote of The Day

10 Reasons! Why Hemp is taking Attention of the People Round the Globe
Cannabis Sativa the game Changer of the Region
Cannabis sativa is the member of family Cannabaceae which is popularly known as industrial hemp.
Generally, its cultivation depends upon its bast fiber and edible seeds. Hemp is sometimes confused with marijuana and hasish because all have same compound tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) which stimulate psychoactive effect. Hemp has little amount of THC. There are many reasons that are the specific for hemp related to its cultivation importance which ae given below:
- Bast fiber is the hard fiber which is used for making heavy industrial fabrics, ropes , twines and heavy bags.
- Hemp oil is very important for industry which give edible oil, solidified oil for paints, moisturizing agent and in plastics.
- Edible seed is a good source of protein and iron for human as well as for birds.
- Hemp is used to make sail canvas.
- The plant is sometimes used as an insulating material in constructions especially in colder areas.
- Hemp is used for making paper which can be recycled about 8 times. It is strong as much as 3 times greater than simple wood and pulp.
- Hemp are used as a skin care agent for human and commonly used as soap, shampoo, bam and lotions.
- Different clothing products are find in market like clothing, denim, diapers, shoes and fine fibers.
- Hemp is used as a cheap fuel with sustainable production as an alternative for fossil fuels.
- The blessed plant has lower water requirement and its cultivation is suitable for drought facing areas.
Reference Links:
- https://www.britannica.com/plant/hemp
- https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL32725.pdf
- https://weedmaps.com/learn/the-plant/hemp-vs-marijuana/
- https://evohemp.com

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